On Thursday the 4th of October and new GPS satellite was launched on the Delta IV rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The new satellite, the GPS IIF (also known as SVN-65) has been designed to improve navigation and reliability for all different kinds of GPS devices and users ranging from commercial applications such as in-car sat nav, to more advanced military uses.
Harry Brown Junior, Boeing’s Chief Engineer for their GPS satellite program said that:
“This satellite joins the other GPS satellites already in use, but this latest technology provides a stronger, more accurate signal that will have a noticeable impact for users.”
It will provide a stronger signal that has been designed to help overcome the common issues seen with interference in both urban and rural areas. It will also help with military use, as the satellite will include more advanced jamming capabilities.
You can see the video of the GPS satellite launch below and click to read the full story on http://www.boeing.com/Features/2012/10/bds_gps_10_08_12.html.